Consulting/Contract Work
First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Number Willing to Mentor Other Areas of Expertise Specialization Other comments:
Amy Rosenstein   Yes   Environmental health and toxicology; human and wildlife health; assessment of exposures to chemicals I have mentored college-age people interested in the environmental field.  I am a member of many professional and networking organizations, both general and with an environmental or health focus.
Holly Chessman   Yes Writing, Social Media Marketing, writing, social media, equality I'd be happy to be a speaker at some point
Jonathan Ring Yes hospitality management, consulting / contractual work in finance and accounting, bookkeeping services / setup
Peter Fordham Yes Computer modeling and simulation; data analytics Management consultant in energy, transportation and mining industries.

Also work with firm that does computer modeling and simulation, as well as data analytics.
Debra Hofman Yes Supply Chain research
Ken Bruss Yes Training and Devlopement
marvin menzin Yes engineering built  ran and sold  engineering and robotics business happy to help , engineering students, invesntors ,

business startups, etc
Amy Zaslow Yes Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Small Business Management, Software Pre/Post Sales Support, High Profile Customer Management, Telecommunications, Executive Director role
Bob Russman-Halperin Yes Lexington Executive education, leadership development, business schools, executive peer support groups
Johanna Rothman Yes Writing I'm a consultant. I market, write, speak and manage a small business, in person and online.
Sonia Rosner Yes Biotech/pharma
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